I think we are.
Else how could one explain the feeling one gets while one is alone on the beach? If you listen carefully, you feel like the sea is whispering something to you... memories of a time long gone by... like images flashing across the sky that is one's mind... thoughts long forgotten come tumbling by...
While sitting in a meadow, just reading a book or doing nothing, one feels a sense of calm, of utmost peace that is not felt while sitting on a comfortable couch with not a worry in the world. The top of a mountain, by a gushing stream, lying on the grass in a garden, smelling the flowers, listening to the wind, getting soaked in the rain... one feels this connection, a sense of discovery... one feels closer to himself... It's as though somewhere somewhere wants to talk to you... is trying to reach you... At these moments sometimes, you feel your name being whispered. You look around and find no one. Is someone or something really trying to say something? Are we hearing but just not listening? Or have we got lost in this mundane world to an extent that we just have forgotten the language?
Wordsworth in one of his poems said "To her fair works did Nature link, the human soul that through me ran...". Yes, I kinda believe this too. There must be a link... I guess man is moving too fast to realize this... Else, how is it that birds and animals always know something is wrong before an earthquake but man doesn't? How is it that there seems to be such harmony with a well established food cycle in animals while there is only utter chaos wherever man is involved?
Man must learn to slow down.. In his pursuit for power and glory, he must not forget that he is just nothing but a small insignificant, infinitesimally small speck in the grand order of things... Just one amongst millions of other species in a small blue planet called the Earth in one of the many solar systems in a little galaxy called the Milky Way, lost in the corner of just one of the infinite number of Universes there are...
Yes, man must slow down and listen to the Song of the Spheres. Let there be Peace.